Monday, May 30, 2016

New Fish Day + 1 🐟🐟🐌

Nameless #1's jaw drops in disbelieve when his photo is taken.


  1. Water still cloudy from algae.
  2. Fish have quite an appetite
  3. Fostered plants are browning on the edges a little bit.
  4. New plant growth is looking good.


Realizing that the algae problem isn't going to get better, along with seeing actual "string" type algae, I finally decided to do something about it. So I went to Planet Pet today and bought two new Cory Catfish and a snail. The catfish immediately went to work eating the "string" algae. I know there's a specific term for them, but I'll find it later. I'll monitor the changes with this addition. Unfortunately, I can't get a proper photo of the two catfish. So, I'll hotlink a Wikipedia image [I hope they're okay with that].


As previously mentioned, the algae problem is being addressed. Hopefully, it will be solved with the three new additions to the tank. Its pH dropped to 6.5, so I added 21 drops of pH UP . The temperature has been steady. The warmer weather is also going to create some additional challenges for the temperature as well as the algae. More sunlight will affect it, but it will have the added benefit of more growth for the plants. As you recall, I don't have a grow light yet.

I used some of the basil to help create something for some makeshift naan to go with the chicken curry that I made. I use the word makeshift because they were actually fluffy tortillas brushed with olive oil, garlic, basil and salt. The Kroghetto (my local Kroger grocery store) doesn't stock any, so one does what one can.

The Numbers

Date GH
pH NO2
Temp °C
30-May 120 40 6.5 0.5 80 0.25 23°

Memorial Day

It's also Memorial Day today in the U.S. It's a day to recognize soldiers who had fought and died in battle. Take a moment to remember. Thanks.

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